Failed Dating Escapades By Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Friends

Broken Friendship

When a friendship ends, one feels the cessation like a punch to the gut. And when a long and meaningful friendship ends, one feels like a chunk of their heart has been torn off, never to be replaced.

I’ve already described what it felt like to have a good friend inexplicably disappear from my life… But what has to happen in order for ME to cut a good friend, a best friend, from my life? Especially one who’s friendship I have had for more than 8 years?

For me it was a series of disappointments and disagreements so severe as to have me questioning the existence of any positive benefits in the friendship. And upon further consideration, finding none.

So what disappointments could equal this complete disillusionment? It certaintly wasn’t one event… It was a culmination of events over the 8 years which, when added up, reflected a complete lack of sincerity and love on my friends part.

It was the absence from important life events – like birthdays, graduations, parties, etc. It was the lack of reliability and commitment for trips and important dates. It was the bros before hoes attitude, and the complete abandonment of friendship upon acquiring a new boyfriend. It was an insecurity so strong that the friend cared only about finding the perfect spouse and having the perfect family – even over self improvement and independence.

And I won’t lie, it was a complete dislike for her choice in male companionship.

And probably what hurt the most was your “best” friend of many years telling you that she probably wouldn’t be able to have a maid of honor because she just had SO many best friends. Even after every other friend had disappointed and abandoned her in so many ways. Even after you had personally loaned her money to buy a car to get to work.

No one is a perfect friend, myself included. But when I enter a friendship, I try and give the friendship 125% of myself (flaws included). But having a friend show a complete disregard for your friendship and your feelings is the ultimate insult not even I can forgive.

So, it is with these words that I must bid you all adieu. For you see, I wrote on this blog as a friend of Mrs. Smith’s. I no longer am.

Goodbye and good luck in your search for friendship and love,

Miss Jones

About Trish

I am a entrepreneur, wife, lawyer, mother to 2 furries and soon to be mother of 1 baby boy. Follow along with me and my husband Andy as we Butcher Life.

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